Friday, June 14, 2013

Dirty Thirty #14: Vitamin D Supplements

Our bodies do need vitamin D, but taking a supplement is just not the way to get it. Your body absorbs very little vitamin D (and many other vitamins, which I will talk about in another Dirty Thirty post) through supplements; so, you're just wasting your money.

The best way to get vitamin D is to let your body produce it naturally. Your body converts sunlight (through the skin) into this essential component. Try to get out in the sun for a half hour every day without sunblock to get the best results. Depending on your skin tone and sensitivity, though, if you are going to be in the sun for over an hour (a half-hour for those with the fairest skin), wear a natural sunblock to protect it.

If you cannot get into the sun for that long or live in a climate that doesn't get that much natural sunlight, try stored liquid sunshine. What's stored liquid sunshine? Plants store sunshine in the form of chlorophyll. (If you remember anything from 5th-grade science class, you'll remember that's the stuff that makes plants green.) You can find liquid chlorophyll at your local health food store and on the internet.

Chlorophyll has other benefits in addition to helping your body produce vitamin D. It cleanses and oxygenates the blood, detoxifies the liver and improves its function. It also fights infection, is an anti-oxidant, has wound-healing properties, is an anti-inflammatory, contains amino acids, helps skin disorders, protects from cancer, promotes healthy intestinal flora, helps reverse protein-deficient anemia and is high in amino acids.

Why wouldn't you add something this effective to your routine? To use chlorophyll, just put a dropperful into a glass of water. It is bright green but has a very mild flavor, much like a light green tea. It's such an easy thing to do that will increase your health exponentially!

Check back tomorrow for another Dirty Thirty!

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